One day in a jungle there lived a very arrogant male starling named Leo, the starling was very clever and fast when flying. At that time there was a friend of the female starling named Lia, she was very kind and also strict, so that he was respected by animals that lived in the forest. His character is inversely proportional to the Leo, so the animals do not like Leo and stay away because of the arrogance he often makes, and also Leo likes to mock animals that cannot compete with him while flying.

    At that time in the forest there was a contest that read "who flies the fastest, then the bird is the one who becomes the fighter in the forest and becomes the king of the birds". At that time many birds were gathered and listened to the contest to be held, the birds were queuing to be able to register to participate in the contest. But a few minutes later came Lia and Leo, a female and male starling who also wanted to participate in the contest, but suddenly Leo made a scene in that place. "O birds, you will not be able to rival my speed when flying. It's better for you to give up and not have to take part in this contest, let me be the ruler in this forest. Hahaha "(said Leo). Lia suddenly replied Leo's words "Hey, Leo, you don't need to brag like that with your strengths, you may boast of your greatness, but it's not certain that you will win in the contest". "That's right, you might lose. We also want to participate in the contest, "said the members of the bird. "Basic weak birds, I will win because in terms of flying quickly I am a champion," Leo said with his bragging. "Leo, don't be like that. You can't look down on these birds, your arrogance can cause havoc for yourself. Indeed, you have what has the advantage of all the birds that are here also have their respective advantages "Lia firmly replied Leo. "Hi Leo, don't you look down on us, you won't necessarily win. We are also not willing if you are the one who will be the ruler of the forest, what will happen to us if you are the one ruling here, surely our pride will continue to be trampled like that, "said the parrot. "That's right !!!!" the other birds shouted in a compact manner. "Stop this fight, let alone what if we prove in this contest who is great and who will be the leader in this forest," Lia the female starling said. "Agree !!!!" cheers the birds. "Hmm ... okay then I agree, let's see who among us is the most powerful and powerful here. But of course I will win. Hahahaa "said Leo.

   The next day the contest arrived, eagerly awaited by the birds to determine who was suitable and would be the ruler of the forest. "All right, announcements ... This match will start soon. Please the birds to be on the start line that has been determined "said the contest committee. Meanwhile Lia, Leo, and the other birds prepare to occupy the starting line provided. "Are you ready ...?" Said the committee. "Ready..." answered the birds. "Willing ... Priiittt", the competition took place quickly and the birds finally flew quickly. At that time Leo was the one who preceded and the other birds were left behind. But for a few moments Leo was trapped in a net attached to a tree. Leopun could not get out and continue flying again. Finally, Lia arrived at the finish line first and became the ruler of the forest. "Leo, where did he fly quickly and certainly arrived at the finish line," Lia said. "We don't know Lia," said the other birds. "Alright let's find out then, maybe he was lost". And the birds help Lia find where Leo is. A few moments later Leo was finally found, Lia and her friends immediately helped Leo. "Thank you Lia, because you and your friends have saved me. I'm sorry, yes .. for being arrogant with you and I also always mock you, "said Leo with regret. Lia answered "Well Leo, well, we shouldn't have to be arrogant about the abilities we have now. It would be nice if we share these abilities with other animals and remain humble. We also cannot denigrate other animals because we only see their weaknesses, each animal also has advantages and disadvantages of each".


💌  The moral message from the fable of Starlings Leo and Lia: As strong and as powerful as we are, there must be other people out there who have higher skills and more everything than us. Therefore, with the advantages we have, we must not blind our conscience, which will make us arrogant and arrogant. Instead, we must instead be more grateful, introspective, and humble.



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